Saturday 5 November 2011


So, I know that Facebook was the be all/end all of social networking for a while. Then Twitter came along, and people's worlds came crashing down.
But the thing that always makes me laugh, about both sites, is unfriending/un-following (probably not a word). I have, actually, had people stop talking to me after unfriending them. Or gotten a nasty text related to the loss of being able to creep my Facebook status. And sometimes, the odd time, I'll add someone from public school. Maybe chat a few times. But if I'm going to end up hiding all their posts. I might as well just take them off the list. And really, do you need 700 friends? Unless you're some kind of business. Maybe you're networking, and making contacts. I really don't see the need. And if I haven't thought about you in the last 10 years, why should I be bothered with you now? I've managed to keep my friends list under 60 for about 6 months now. I've added a few random people. But eventually they get deleted.
My boyfriend loves the Twitter. Sometimes I think he has a better relationship with it than me. He loves getting new "followers". And is highly disappointed when he loses one. Like "What could I have done to lose their favour?" Who gives a rats ass...really. So one lonely teenager in cyber space, doesn't want to see pictures of a sandwich you made. Or the beer you're having at a business meeting.
I think people that connect have voyeuristic parts of their personality, they don't like to admit to. They can indulge at home, in their underwear, without looking like a creep. They can stalk your photos, your habits, your moves throughout the day. Girlfriends and boyfriends can monitor activity. Parents can stay in the know. The ex (you know, the one that got away), can see how "great you're doing" without them.
Any ways, the whole business of social media perplexes me. Remember when people had to pound the pavement...pick up a phone...put ads in the newspaper? Do people actually BUY newspapers anymore? I mean, you can read it for free, online. Why would you shell out a dollar, or more, for something you can get for free on your phone/laptop/iPad/iPod/left on the train?

So, if you're up there Super Man....SAVE US!

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