Tuesday 8 November 2011

Thats a paddlin'

So, I work in a customer service/retail environment, of sorts. Its not always busy. But I get alot of return customers. Which makes me feel good, because I know I'm doing a good job.
But inevitably, someone is going to bring in a screaming baby...an angry toddler...or a mouthy tween. The other day, for example. A woman and her sister came in. The one woman had a newborn. The other a boy about 8 or 9 years old. They wanted to do hand and footprints for Grandma. An early Christmas gift.
Now, anyone who knows me, knows I don't much care for children. And their tantrum throwing shennanigans. The baby fussed and cooed and for the most part was alright. The boy on the other hand...his mom bought him some decorations to paint, while we attempted to get the baby's prints done.
For about 20 minutes I heard, "Are you done yet?", "You're not even doing it right.", "I hate this.", "I hate you." For me, the kid needs something more than a soothing "We're almost done sweetheart." Or, "If you sit quietly I'll buy you a treat." Sometimes kids need to know that being a little a$$hole won't get you what you want. That patience is a virtue, and Rome wasn't built in a day...yadda yadda yadda.
I remember when we were kids, if we started to pitch a fit. My mom would pretend to call everyone over to watch. Or my dad saying he would sell us to the gypsies. But also, we got spanked. I had my mouth washed out with soap. Not pleasant. But not the end of the world. And as fas as I know, I'm not a sociopath or murderer because of it. I straightened up, and probably tried, whatever I was being punished for, again. Cuz, you know, you gotta try. But what is this pacifier parenting trend? Raise your voice! Get mad! Give the kid a swat!
If I see one more kid throw a fit, I might just creat a time out box at work. Cuz crying and pleading and bargaining and screaming has no effect on me. Cry yourself hoarse, ya little so and so. It won't change my mind. I can wrestly a 2000lb animal to the ground. What chance do you think you have?

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